College Now » College Now

College Now

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College Now is a dual enrollment program that allows students to earn 3 college-credits for free per course.
College Now can only be taken by Juniors and Seniors. 
Why College Now:
  • Earn up to 12 college credits before high school graduation
  • No standardized exam. Just earn credit by passing the class
  • Gain similar benefits as CUNY students
How to Register:
When a College Now course is announced, email Ms. Gonzalez and your guidance counselor with the following:
  • Name
  • Student ID (OSIS Number)
  • Current grade
  • Course that you want to take
There are limited seats available so act fast! Learn about course offerings by selecting either “Fall Courses” or “Spring Courses” on the navigation bar.
How are CN courses different?
  • It meets from Monday-Thursday during Period 1
  • Course lasts a few months, not a year
  • Smooth course pacing
If you have questions, speak to Ms. Gonzalez at Email Ms. Gonzalez at: