World Languages
- The World Languages Poetry Contest in April
- The Spanish Drama Club performances
- Students who are eligible may apply for the Seal of Biliteracy through our department. For more information about this check out our official website or click on the Seal of Biliteracy button above!
Path to proficiency
As students begin the path to language proficiency, many want to know if the student will be fluent in the language by the end of a year. Learning a language can be a lifelong journey of working beside them so they can understand, communicate and have exposure to different cultures through a world language.
Please check out the infographic below that shows the language learning process. A student that has completed a language course in level I would be in the novice, mid-novice high category. A student who has completed a language course in level II may be in the novice-high to intermediate-mid category.
At Newtown high school we offer three levels including Advanced Placement in most of our World Language tracks. Our goal is for each student to complete three years in a language course to ascertain the most of their language learning journey.
Diploma Requirements
College Prep
Students can earn up to 4 college credits!!